How to convert kilograms or grams to pounds in php?
In this post, The function converter helps you convert grams, kilograms to pounds in PHP.
1. Code:
<?php function convertWeightToLb($unit, $weight){ switch (strtolower($unit)) { case "g": $conv = 0.00220462262; break; case "kg": $conv = 2.20462262; break; default: $conv = 1; break; } $weight = $weight * $conv; return $weight; } echo convertWeightToLb("g", 10000); echo "<br/>"; echo convertWeightToLb("kg", 1); ?>
2. Example:
Input 1: Weight unit: kg , Weight = 1 Input 2: Weight unit: g , Weight = 10000
Output 1: 22.0462262 Output 2: 2.20462262