How to round to nearest number in php?

In this post, this function will round the number to nearest in php.

How to round one up numbers in php?

In this post, this function will round the number to one a unit in php.

How to compare two array values in php?

In this tutorial, You can use array_\diff() function to compare an array to one or more other arrays.

How to add hours and minutes in PHP?

Here we’ll provide the simplest way to add minutes, hours and seconds to time using PHP. In PHP, using date() and strtotime() function you can easily increase or decrease time.

How to convert atom date to date in PHP?

This post converting the Atom Date format to Date format with any format in php.

How to detect number from string in php?

This post, we helps you check if a string contains numeric characters.

How to get xmldate from MySql date in php?

This post converting the MySql date format to xml date time format in php.

How to convert date to datetime in PHP?

This post converting the Date format to DateTime format with beginning and end of that day.

How to convert 24 hour format to 12 hour format time in php?

This post converting 24 hour format to 12 hours format time.

How to convert PT time to time format in php?

This post convert PT time to time format in php.